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A$16625 (p/p)

Birds of Bhutan Tour


Birds of Bhutan OVERVIEW


14 days

Paro to Paro


A$16625 (p/p)

Country(ies): Bhutan

Tour type: Private

Group size: Min: 2 | Max: 8

Accommodation: 2 & 3-star hotels & camping


Transport: A/C minibus/people-carrier

Highlights: Birdwatching in Bhutan (Himalayan Monal, White bellied heron, Black necked crane, Satyr tragopan and many more), traditional Bhutanese life & architecture, Paro Dzong & National Museum, walk up to Taktshang (Tiger's Nest)

Birdwatching is one of Bhutan's star attractions, and if you like to indulge your birdwatching habit while exploring new and beautiful parts of the world, then Bhutan really should be high on your list of places to visit. With a unique and rich Buddhist culture, spectacular Himalayan scenery, and one of the most diverse and rich ranges of birdlife on the planet, a specialist birdwatching tour in Bhutan is a really special experience. The best birding is in the east of the country, which requires a fairly long itinerary with plenty of driving, but we make regular stops and explore various Dzongs and monasteries along the way. The tour also features an easy 3-day walking section saying in simple but comfortable camps.

Our tour starts in Paro, and we have a sightseeing tour of the Paro Dzong and National Museum. We are also introduced to our specialist bird-watching guide and will have an evening briefing to discuss particular target species over the days to come. We leave Paro and start with a pre-breakfast drive to the Che Lela Pass in search of the colourful but elusive Himalayan Monal and Satyr Tragopan, both birding highlights of Bhutan. We then drive on to the capital Thimphu where we have time for some more cultural sightseeing.

Leaving Thimphu we cross the Dochu La Pass before descending into the Punakha Valley. On all our drives through Bhutan we'll make regular stops at places your guide knows are potentially good spots for particular bird species. The roads in Bhutan are generally very windy and scenic, and the slow pace means that you get a good chance to view your surroundings as we travel.

From the Punakha Valley we head further east, passing the Phobjikha Valley, destination for the famous Black Necked Crane which migrates over the high Himalayas from Tibet. We like to time one group departure a year on this tour to coincide with the Black Necked Crane festival in Phobjikha, which celebrates their arrival in November.

After passing through the beautiful Bumthang valleys, where we do a little more sightseeing, we reach some of Bhutan's very best birding areas. The mixed forests and huge number of different tree species make this region great for a huge variety of species, and we include 3 nights camping in the Limithang Valley to allow us the best chance to see many of these without lots more long drives.

We then retrace our route back to Paro, for a final walk up to the iconic Taktshang (or Tiger's Nest) monastery, that is the picture most people have in their minds when they think of Bhutan.


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Day 1:   Arrive in Paro, transfer to hotel

You arrive in Paro today on Bhutan's national carrier, Druk Air. We will book these flights for you, and can arrange extensions at either end of the tour in Nepal, India or Thailand, as well as an overland crossing into Bhutan from Sikkim or Darjeeling in northern India. After transferring to your hotel and lunch, we visit Paro Dzong and the National Museum. Although not a birding day, you may come across the Wallcreeper, a pair or two of Ibisbill, Brown Dipper, Hodgson's, Plumbeous and White-capped Water-Redstarts around the river valley and nearby rock cliffs.


Paro - 3-star hotel


Lunch, Dinner


Extra day in Paro - pre-tour
Single room supplement (BHTMBB)

Day 2:   Paro to Thimphu via Chele La Pass

We begin our birding adventure properly today with a pre-breakfast drive up to the Chele La Pass in search of some of Bhutan's signature birds, the elusive and colourful Himalayan Monal and Satyr Tragopan. After breakfast at Chele La, drive to the capital, Thimphu and along the way there will be opportunities to spot Blood Pheasant, Kalij Pheasants, White-winged Grosbeak, White-browed Rose Finch, Spotted Nutcracker, Rufous Sibia, White-browed Fulvetta, Brown Parrot Bill, Stripe-throated Yuhina and various Eurasian Warblers. Before arriving at your hotel we take a short trip to downtown Thimphu where we usually see Ibisbill, River Lapwing, Ruddy Shelduck, and assorted shorebirds along the riverbanks.


Thimphu - 4-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 3:   Thimphu to Punakha via Dochu La

We leave Thimphu early to reach the Dochu La pass (3,150m) in time for sunrise. On a clear day, the scenery from here is breathtaking and we can get a full view of the mightiest peaks of the Himalayas towering along the northern horizon. Today is an excellent opportunity to see pheasant species like the Satyr Tragopan and a host of mixed species that dwell in the cool broadleaf forests. En-route to Punakha, look out for the Red-flanked Bluetail and Golden Bush-Robin, Grey Bushchat and Rufous-breasted Accentor. You may also see the Blue-winged, Red-tailed and Chestnut-tailed Minlas, Rufus-winged, White-browed and Nepal Fulvetta and Whiskered, Stripe-throated, Rufus-vented, Black-chinned and White-bellied Yuhinas. It is also possible to see Barwings plus a good selection of Laughing Thrushes before Punakha. After lunch, take a short walk across the valley floor to the temple of the 'Divine Mad Man'. The temple is famous today for its miraculous powers to bestow fertility to barren women. From the temple, we walk to the banks of the Phochu River to look for the endangered Pallas' Fish-Eagle and the world-renowned White-bellied Heron.


Punakha - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 4:   Punakha to Pele La

Today we take an excursion along the river and up through a forest of cool broadleaf and evergreen trees to Pele La, the pass that divides eastern and western Bhutan. The diverse habitats along the way should present numerous prospects of seeing a great range of species such as Cutia, Great Barbet, Darjeeling Woodpecker, Long-tailed Minivet, Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler, White-throated Laughing Thrush, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Yellow-bellied Bush-Warbler, Ashy-throated Leaf Warbler, and Verditer. Ward's Trogon is usually sighted along this road.


Phobjikha - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 5:   Pele La to Trongsa

Today should be another day of great birding prospects but we start by looking not only for sightings of the White-collared Blackbird, the Himalayan Monal, Black-faced Laughing Thrush and White-tailed Nuthatch but also of the Himalayan Bear and Black Leopard. In the pine forests around the pass look for Rusty-flanked Treecreeper, Dark Rosefinch, Himalayan Greenfinch and Rufus-vented, Grey-crested, Green-backed Tits, Common Buzzard, Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Steppe Eagle and Himalayan Griffon. We then travel to the town of Trongsa through cool broadleaf forests where there is a good chance you will see Red-billed Leiothrix, Yellow-billed Blue-Magpie and Gray-sided Bush-Warbler.


Trongsa - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 6:   Trongsa to Shemgang

We travel further east into Bhutan today into places visited by far fewer tourists, to an area known as the Black Mountain National Park, via the town of Zhemgang and finally to Tingtibhi, where we overnight. The path cuts through dense jungles that contain a plethora of wildlife species like the Black-Eagle, Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Speckled Piculet, Lesser Yellownape,and the Golden Langur (a strikingly beautiful monkey species that is found only in Bhutan). Flowers and fruiting trees that attract sunbirds will be plentiful en-route along the descent to the lowest elevation. This entire region is very rich in wildlife and has thus been declared as a protected area by the Bhutanese government.


Tingtibhi - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 7:   Zhemgang Road

Today, we make an early start and breakfast and lunch will be served at birding points in the forests. The bamboo groves around Tingtibhi are usually the haunts of Lesser Rufus-headed Parrotbills and Streaked Laughing Thrushes while the fruiting trees attract Golden-throated Barbets, Wedge-tailed and Pin-tailed Green-Pigeon and Scarlet Minivets. This area is also the best chance of encountering the Rufus-necked Hornbill. Chances are you will see flocks of Yellow-bellied and White-throated Fantail and other species like Yuhinas, Minlas, Fulvettas and Sibias.


Tingtibhi - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 8:   Zhemgang to Trongsa

We return to Trongsa today and en-route look for birds that we may not have seen earlier. Expect to see the Mountain-Imperial Pigeon, Golden-throated Barbet, Great-pied Hornbill, White-browed Piculet, Nepal House-Martin, Fulvous-breasted, Grey-capped, Gray-headed Green Woodpeckers, Laughing Thrushes, White-throated, Greater Necklaced, Rufus-chinned, Blue-winged and Red-faced Liocichla. The rare Beautiful Nuthatch is another species found in this region.


Trongsa - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 9:   Trongsa to Bumthang

After breakfast we make the short trip to Bumthang just about 67 kilometres away and along the way keep an eye out for the Yellow-rumped Honeyguide. We then climb the Yotongla Pass and enter the forests of spruce and fir abruptly changing the avifauna. The Bumthang valley, one of the most beautiful in the country, is home to Beautiful Rosefinch, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Spotted Laughing Thrush, Ibisbill and Snow Pigeon. The Himalayan Black Bear is commonly spotted in this valley. After lunch in Bumthang, explore the valley in the afternoon visiting, among others, the textile shops, the Jakar Dzong (fortress), ancient monasteries, the local brewery, and a stupa under which, legend has it, lies the severed head of a Tibetan General who tried to invade Bhutan.


Bumthang - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 10:   Bumthang to Sengor

Today we make an early start and begin our drive eastwards towards Sengor. En-route we make a visit to a village in the Ura valley. The Ura Valley is not only beautiful but has plenty of bird species. After the stopover, climb up to the Thrumsing La pass (3,780m), the highest point of the journey, and then begin a long descent to Sengor.


Sengor - 2 to 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 11:   Limithang Road camping

The next three days in the Limithang Valley promise to be the highlights of the tour. The area, situated at elevations ranging from 900m to 3,780m, boasts some of the country's most pristine forests, unrivalled in the density of tree species, and thus is a natural haven for birds. The endless stretches of forests, the quaint villages and a sleepy road which winds through the valley are all frequented by many species of birds that make the entire area a delight for bird lovers. Here we have the best chance of seeing famous Bhutanese birds that may have been missed elsewhere during the trip like the Rufus-necked Hornbill, Ward's Trogon, Satyr Tragopan and endless others. There will be opportunities to spot, amongst others, the Collared Scops-Owl, Collared Owlet, Himalayan Swiftlet, Striated, Black-crested, White-cheeked, Red-vented, Ashy, Black and Mountain Bulbuls, Golden-breasted and Yellow-throated Fulvetta, Slender-billed Rusty-cheeked, Streak-breasted, and Coral-billed Scimitar-Babblers, Hill and Rufecent Prinia, Gray-headed Canary Flycatcher, Common Tailorbird, Bronzed, Lesser Racquet-tailed and Hair-crested Dorangos, and Scarlet Finch. We spend our nights in comfortable camps with camp-beds and sleeping bags provided.


Camping on trek


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 12:   Limithang Road camping
Today and tomorrow we'll continue along the Limithang Road trek, keep your eyed peeled and have your camera ready to capture those elusive bird species.


Camping on trek


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 13:   Limithang Road camping
Today is our last full day on the Limithang Road Trek. We'll continue our bird-watching with our expert guide and hope to spot any birds we've not managed to tick off of our list so far.


Camping on trek





Day 14:   Limithang to Bumthang

Having reached the east-most part of the tour, we start to retrace our journey back to back to western Bhutan, the airport and eventually the flight home. It doesn't however mean that no new birds will be added to the sighting list!


Bumthang - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 15:   Bumthang to Wangduephodrang

We continue driving west today out of the Bumthang Valleys, through Trongsa and Gangtey where we may stop to visit Dzongs and monasteries, and on to Wangduephodrang at the southern end of the Punakha Valley.


Punakha - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 16:   Wangdiphodrang to Paro

We visit Wangduephodrang Dzong this morning, whose unrestored condition really gives a feeling for how long these unique buildings have governed Bhutan through their combined monastic and civic function. We then cross back over the Dochu La Pass, hoping for good views again, before descending to Paro.


Paro - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 17:   Walk up to Taktshang (Tiger's Nest)

A visit to Bhutan would not be complete without seeing the iconic Taktshang, or Tiger's' Nest monastery. Perched on a vertical cliff-face, this spectacular and beautiful monastery is reached by a walk of around 4-5 hours each way. There are good opportunities for birdwatching along the way. In the afternoon we visit the ruined Drukgyel Dzong, and have a final opportunity to walk through Paro's two main streets before retiring to our hotel to look back at the last couple of week's adventures.


Paro - 3-star hotel


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Day 18:   Paro, transfer to airport

Today we bid farewell to the Land of the Thunder Dragon and transfer you to the airport in time to catch your outbound flight with Druk Air. We will book this flight for you, and can arrange extensions to your tour in Nepal, India or Thailand, and also your onward international flight home.






Extra day in Paro - post-tour

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  • All accommodation as per itinerary in 3-star level hotels
  • All meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • 24/7 airport transfer service
  • All transport in private vehicles
  • Bhutan visa fee, tourism development fee and government royalty
  • Local tour guide/tour leader
  • Specialist birdwatching guide
  • All national park entry and activity fees
  • All entrance fees to sites visited

  • International flights (available on request)
  • Travel insurance (compulsory)
  • Drinks, snacks and other personal expenses (e.g. Laundry)
  • Tips for tour leader and driver
  • Any other items not mentioned above

Dates and Prices

Seasonal prices for this tour are given below, based on 2 people travelling. Discounts apply if there are 3 or more people in your party. We can also customise the itinerary to fit your personal requirements - please contact us.

Start Date
End Date
Price (P/P)
Offer price

4th of Jul 2024

15th of Aug 2024



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16th of Aug 2024

30th of Nov 2024



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The hotels and accommodations listed below are the ones we most often use on this tour. From time to time we may exchange these for similar properties at the same level. In general, specific hotels cannot be guaranteed on our group tours, but you may select your preferred options if you are booking a tailor-made trip.

Tashi Namgay Resort

Tashi Namgay Resort


Local rating

Our rating

 Tashi Namgay Resort Tashi Namgay Resort

Tashi Namgay Resort is located in the heart of the Paro Valley on the banks of the hills, overlooking Paro International Airport (the airport only has a few flights each day so is not a big disturbance). The resort itself is spread over 5 acres of gardens, and offers several additional activities on-site including traditional Bhutanese sports & games, a Damsebu garden walk, bike rides and Bhutanese cooking classes. There are several good short hikes from the premises, including to Guru Nay and a great viewpoint over the airport which is probably one of the world's most picturesque. Buildings have been constructed in traditional Bhutanese design with concern for the environment with solar lights, wooden shingle roofing and mud-brick walls adding to the character and sustainability.

The standard deluxe rooms are spacious and comfortable at 38 sq m, and have views over Paro Dzong. They also feature underfloor heating in the bathrooms, minibar, TV and WiFi internet. There are also several larger suites and cottages.

The hotel also features a gym, spa, bar & restaurant and comfortable lounge area.

Tashi Namgay Resort is located in the heart of the Paro Valley on the banks of the hills, overlooking Paro International Airport (the airport only has a few flights each day so is not a big disturbance). The resort itself is spread over 5 acres of gardens, and offers several additional activities on-site including traditional Bhutanese sports & games, a Damsebu garden walk, bike rides and Bhutanese cooking classes. There are several good short hikes from the premises, including to Guru Nay and a great viewpoint over the airport which is probably one of the world's most picturesque. Buildings have been constructed in traditional Bhutanese design with concern for the environment with solar lights, wooden shingle roofing and mud-brick walls adding to the character and sustainability.

The standard deluxe rooms are spacious and comfortable at 38 sq m, and have views over Paro Dzong. They also feature underfloor heating in the bathrooms, minibar, TV and WiFi internet. There are also several larger suites and cottages.

The hotel also features a gym, spa, bar & restaurant and comfortable lounge area.

Green Resort

Green Resort


Local rating

Our rating

 Green Resort Green Resort

The RKPO Green Resort is located in the heart of the Punakha Valley, between Wanduephodrang dzongkhag (district) and Punakha dzongkhag. This gives it an excellent location for exploring the valley, with forests to the sides and terraced rice fields taking you down to the valley floor. It is also just a 5 minute walk down the hillside to the famous Chimmi Lhakhang, the temple of the divine mad man. 

The resort's design reflects traditional Bhutanese architecture, with spacious comfortable rooms having modern accessories. The hotel also features free WiFi, a library, bar and restaurant, and limited spa facilities.

There are 34 deluxe rooms and 4 suites spread across several cottages with gardens between.

The RKPO Green Resort is located in the heart of the Punakha Valley, between Wanduephodrang dzongkhag (district) and Punakha dzongkhag. This gives it an excellent location for exploring the valley, with forests to the sides and terraced rice fields taking you down to the valley floor. It is also just a 5 minute walk down the hillside to the famous Chimmi Lhakhang, the temple of the divine mad man. 

The resort's design reflects traditional Bhutanese architecture, with spacious comfortable rooms having modern accessories. The hotel also features free WiFi, a library, bar and restaurant, and limited spa facilities.

There are 34 deluxe rooms and 4 suites spread across several cottages with gardens between.

Dewachen Hotel

Dewachen Hotel


Local rating

Our rating

 Dewachen Hotel Dewachen Hotel

Encircled by pine forests in the hidden valley of Phobjikha - Gantey Gompa, home to the very rare Black Necked cranes, the Dewachen Hotel features sixteen double rooms, modern bathroom fittings, heavenly bedding comforts, and a restaurant with a magnificent view and the finest cuisine prepared by a professional chef.

At Dewachen, you'll find each detail well thought of and your needs anticipated each time you return. For your enjoyment and recreation, we have a cocktail lounge, horse riding facilities, and cultural programs on request and for a fee. A traditional hot stone bath to unwind and end your day. With a capacity to accommodate 30 persons, our medium sized, convention hall equipped with support facilities can easily handle your most ambitious conventions.
With rooms heated by iron stove and hot water bags in your bed, the coldest days and nights are not a challenge. So come away to unwind and enjoy being pampered and catered to. After spending a little time with us, you’ll come away looking at life with a difference.

Encircled by pine forests in the hidden valley of Phobjikha - Gantey Gompa, home to the very rare Black Necked cranes, the Dewachen Hotel features sixteen double rooms, modern bathroom fittings, heavenly bedding comforts, and a restaurant with a magnificent view and the finest cuisine prepared by a professional chef.

At Dewachen, you'll find each detail well thought of and your needs anticipated each time you return. For your enjoyment and recreation, we have a cocktail lounge, horse riding facilities, and cultural programs on request and for a fee. A traditional hot stone bath to unwind and end your day. With a capacity to accommodate 30 persons, our medium sized, convention hall equipped with support facilities can easily handle your most ambitious conventions.
With rooms heated by iron stove and hot water bags in your bed, the coldest days and nights are not a challenge. So come away to unwind and enjoy being pampered and catered to. After spending a little time with us, you’ll come away looking at life with a difference.

Hotel Migmar

Hotel Migmar


Local rating

Our rating

 Hotel Migmar Hotel Migmar

Hotel Migmar is ideally situated amidst scenic landscape of Thimphu, on the expressway and about one km from city centre. It is built on contemporary theme and yet has a unique blend of Bhutanese architecture and modern amenities.

The hotel offers 17 standard rooms, each having an approximate area of 156 sq. feet and equipped with 2 single sized bed with 8" to 10" mattress, LCD Screen with DVD attached, Mini Bar, Tea Coffee Maker, Table lap between two beds and a broad back light at the back of the bed, all walls with wallpaper cloth (silk) in different patterns, well furnished bath room with auto heating system and Chandelier at the center of the room. The hotel also has 8 Deluxe rooms each having an approximate area of 400 sq ft with similar amenities. Hotel's Executive Suites of 625 sq ft is elegantly designed and offer required modern facilities.

Lavish buffets are laid daily in the multi-cuisine restaurant serving Bhutanese, European Oriental and Indian delicacies. The all day MIGMAR Restaurant is the perfect option for a quick snack, beverages or main courses with an experience of the great outdoors.
The bar by the restaurant offers vast choice of international and local beverages.

The Hotel also has a steam bath and a dip pool of international standard, housed just outside the main building.

Hotel Migmar is ideally situated amidst scenic landscape of Thimphu, on the expressway and about one km from city centre. It is built on contemporary theme and yet has a unique blend of Bhutanese architecture and modern amenities.

The hotel offers 17 standard rooms, each having an approximate area of 156 sq. feet and equipped with 2 single sized bed with 8" to 10" mattress, LCD Screen with DVD attached, Mini Bar, Tea Coffee Maker, Table lap between two beds and a broad back light at the back of the bed, all walls with wallpaper cloth (silk) in different patterns, well furnished bath room with auto heating system and Chandelier at the center of the room. The hotel also has 8 Deluxe rooms each having an approximate area of 400 sq ft with similar amenities. Hotel's Executive Suites of 625 sq ft is elegantly designed and offer required modern facilities.

Lavish buffets are laid daily in the multi-cuisine restaurant serving Bhutanese, European Oriental and Indian delicacies. The all day MIGMAR Restaurant is the perfect option for a quick snack, beverages or main courses with an experience of the great outdoors.
The bar by the restaurant offers vast choice of international and local beverages.

The Hotel also has a steam bath and a dip pool of international standard, housed just outside the main building.

Hotel Pema Karpo

Hotel Pema Karpo


Local rating

Our rating

 Hotel Pema Karpo Hotel Pema Karpo

Hotel Pema Karpo-or can be translated as the white lotus, is located on the bank of punatsangchu river. It is a 1.5 km drive from the new Bajo town.

Each room overlooks the breath taking view of the silver sands of Punatsangchu river or the beautiful dusky terraced paddy fields . Hotel Pema Karpo is located in the heart of enviable distance from some of the most historic landmarks in our Bhutanese history - such as the Punakha dzong, Wangdue phodrang dzong and Chime lhakhang.

Rooms are furnished with our Bhutanese hospitality essence and keeping the comfort of our valued guests as our priority.

Hotel Pema Karpo-or can be translated as the white lotus, is located on the bank of punatsangchu river. It is a 1.5 km drive from the new Bajo town.

Each room overlooks the breath taking view of the silver sands of Punatsangchu river or the beautiful dusky terraced paddy fields . Hotel Pema Karpo is located in the heart of enviable distance from some of the most historic landmarks in our Bhutanese history - such as the Punakha dzong, Wangdue phodrang dzong and Chime lhakhang.

Rooms are furnished with our Bhutanese hospitality essence and keeping the comfort of our valued guests as our priority.

Bhutan Trekking Camp

Bhutan Trekking Camp

Bhutan treks

Local rating

Our rating

 Bhutan Trekking Camp Bhutan Trekking Camp

Basic camping with all equipment provided. Experienced local guides & crew, with ponies to carry luggage, tents, camping & kitchen equipment.

Basic camping with all equipment provided. Experienced local guides & crew, with ponies to carry luggage, tents, camping & kitchen equipment.


Our tours are designed to include all that you need to enjoy a really special time in the destination you‘re visiting. However, we do also offer some extra options to complement the tour and add some additional sightseeing or activities, or some extra time at either end of the tour.

All accommodation based options (e.g. Single supplements, extra nights, cruise upgrades) should be booked and paid for in advance so that we can make the appropriate arrangements. Other options may either be booked and paid for in advance or while you are on the tour, though we recommend booking in advance to ensure there are no issues with availability.

Many options are priced the same throughout the year, but some may incur single or high season supplements - full details are given on the tour reservation form or on request.

Single room supplement (BHTHBB)

From A$390*

Single room supplement (BHTHBB)

Min numbers: 1 *Based on 1 person/s

This option books a single room in all the accommodation throughout the tour and should be added if you are travelling solo, or if there are two travellers and both of you want a single room.


Single room supplement (BHTMBB)

From A$1365*

Single room supplement (BHTMBB)

Min numbers: 1 *Based on 1 person/s

This option books a single room in all the accommodation throughout the tour. Room shares are not available on this tour, so if you are single traveller then you will need to add this option to your booking.

Note: The price shown is a low season price. Slightly higher prices may apply during high and peak seasons - the exact price for your dates will be shown on the online booking form and is always available on request.

Tour Notes

The detailed Tour Notes below have been written to give you some more detailed information about how the tour runs, what to expect, and how to prepare for your holiday. We recommend downloading an up to date copy of these shortly before you travel in case of any changes.

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  1. Accommodation

The accommodation on this tour is mainly at the Bhutanese standard 3-star level. Like all aspects of tourism in Bhutan, hotels used for tourists are strictly regulated and inspected and all must reach a good standard to obtain their license to cater for tourists. So, you should expect good clean rooms, en-suite bathrooms, and some traditional Bhutanese styling in the building’s architecture and design. The standard of hotels does drop slightly the further east into the country you travel with services and ameneties a little more basic after you go beyond Bumthang. We may change hotels used from time to time based on recent feedback, availability, and the level of service provided.

  2. Transport

We use modern people-carriers or minibuses for this tour, based on the final number of people in the group or in your party.

  3. Transfers

Your airport transfers are only included on the first and last day of the set tour itinerary, plus on any additional days if you book your hotel room with us. If you make your own arrangements for additional accommodation at either the beginning or the end of the tour then you will need to arrange your own airport transfers on these days.

  4. International Flights

We want to give you as much flexibility as possible when it comes to booking your holiday with us. So, to take account of people with varying travel plans, we don't include your international flights in the main tour price. We are however very happy to make suggestions for flights to go with your tour.

There are two considerations when it comes to flights to connect with this tour.

Flights into Bhutan
Druk Air is the Bhutanese national airline and the main airline for flying in and out of Bhutan. The airline flies daily to Bangkok, with flights slightly less frequently to other destinations including Kathmandu, Delhi, Kolkata and Singapore. Fares are cheapest to Kathmandu, followed by Delhi, Kolkata, Bangkok and Singapore being most expensive. Bhutan's first private airline, Bhutan Airlines, provides extra capacity with flights from Bangkok, Kolkata, Delhi and Kathmandu.

Unfortunately at the moment, neither Druk Air or Bhutan Airlines code-share with any other airline or connect with the international flight system. This means that you can't buy a flight ticket from your home country all the way to Bhutan. You need to buy two tickets, one with Druk Air/Bhutan Airlines, and one with an international airline to connect with the flight into Bhutan. You'll need to collect your luggage and re-check in between the two flights. You therefore need to allow plenty of time between the two flights in case of any delays - if you miss the Druk Air/Bhutan Airlines flight on the way out, or your international flight on the way home, then the airlines will not be obliged to arrange a new flight for you and you may need to pay for a new ticket (if available).

Nearly everyone travelling to Bhutan therefore adds a short stay of at least one night in Nepal, India, Thailand or Singapore at either end of their tour. We are happy to make all these arrangements for you.

Please contact us with your preferred dates and departure airport and we’ll give you a selection of airlines, times and fares to choose from. Your airport arrival & departure transfers in Bhutan are included whether you book your flights independently or through us.

Flight CO2 Emissions:

Traveling by air is an amazing way to explore the world, but flights also contribute to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that impact the environment. By considering the airline's CO2 emissions when you choose your flight, you can help minimize your travel footprint.

When selecting your international flights and airline, we do therefore recommend that you try and also take into account the flight CO2 emissions. Some airlines and flight search websites (eg. Google Flights, Skyscanner) do publish this information, so you can compare between your flight options and make an informed decision. Thankfully, many airlines are working towards sustainability efforts, and choosing a greener option allows you to contribute to positive change while still enjoying your incredible adventure.

  5. Group Size/Tour Leaders/Guides

We are committed to running small groups on our trips in Bhutan, as we feel this gives everyone in the group the best chance to get to know their fellow travellers and to hear and make the most of their guide. It also allows us to be more creative with the itinerary and do things which would not be possible with larger groups. So, we set our Bhutan group departures to have a maximum of 12 travellers.

Tailor-made tours are available for any number of travellers from one upwards. Discounts apply if there are 3 or more people in your group.

Fully trained English-speaking Bhutanese guides are provided to escort you throughout this tour and many of our travellers consider them a highlight of their tour. Some tours (such as bird watching or trekking tours) will have specialist guides chosen based on the itinerary and activities included on the tour.

At Encounters Travel we only use local Bhutanese guides and drivers. We feel this gives you the best experience of the country and the sites you are seeing.

  6. Entrance Fees - Bhutan

From September 2022, new Bhutanese government rules apply to both the pricing charged for tourisit visitors to Bhutan, and also to entrance fees. Formerly, entrance fees to Dzongs an dother sites were included in the government royalty charged to all tourists. This is no longer the case and the new USD 200 per night Sustainable Development Fee no longer covers entrance to sites visited. Instead, tourists will now need to pay new entrance fees for various sites visited during their tours. An approximate budget to allow for entrance fees visited on your tour is given in the 'Not Included' section of the tour page. 

For your convenience, your tour guide will be happy to collect the entrance fees amount in US Dollars or local currency at the start of the tour and purchase the tickets on your behalf as you go along. However, as many of our tours are designed to be somewhat flexible, the budget given may change slightly depending on the sites visited during your trip. A more detailed list is given below.
USD 1 = approx. NU 80  (so NU 1,000 = approx. USD 12.50)

Commonly visited sites:

  • Taktshang (Tigers Nest monastery, Paro Valley) - NU 2,000
  • Kyichu Lhakhang (Paro Valley) - NU 1,000
  • Rinpung Dzong (Paro) - NU 1,000
  • Tashichho Dzong (Thimphu) - NU 1,000
  • Buddha Dordenma (Thimphu) - NU 1,000
  • Thimphu Memorial Chorten (Thimphu) - NU 1,000
  • Punakha Dzong (Punakha) - NU 1,000
  • Chimmi Lhakhang (Punakha Valley) - NU 1,000

Less visited sites:

  • Dobji Dzong (Paro) - NU 1,000
  • Jangtsa Dungtseg Lhakhang (Paro Valley) - NU 1,000
  • Simtokha Dzong (Thimphu) - NU 1,000
  • Trongsa Dzong (Trongsa) - NU 1,000
  • Jampa Lhakhang (Bumthang) - NU 1,000
  • Rinchending Goenpa (Phuntsholing) - NU 1,000
  • Palden Tashi Choling Shedra (Phuntsholing) - NU 1,000

Note: Children aged 0-5 are exempt from these entrance fees. Children aged 6-17 will pay 50%. 
Note: Entrance fees may be imposed at additional sites over time. 

  7. Tipping - Bhutan

While an accepted part of the tourist industry in Bhutan (i.e. guides, drivers and hotel staff), tipping elsewhere is generally discouraged and unnecessary. Any amounts you do tip should always reflect the level of service provided.It is normal and accepted for people to tip differently, and you should not feel under any pressure to tip any particular amount.We are often asked for advice on common amounts however, and can give the following guidelines...

1-2 persons travelling:
US$8-15 pp per day for your guide & US$4-7 pp per day for your driver.

3-8 persons travelling:
US$5-10 pp per day for your guide & US$3-5 pp per day for your driver.

9-12 persons travelling:
US$4-8 pp per day for your guide & US$3-5 pp per day for your driver.

  8. Health and Vaccinations

You should ensure you are fully insured for medical emergencies including emergency evacuation and repatriation.

Recommended vaccinations and other health protection measures vary according to the country you are visiting and where you are travelling from. We recommend you contact your GP/medical practitioner or a travel clinic for current information on vaccinations needed for your destination. You should ensure that you are up to date with vaccines and boosters recommended for your normal life at home, including for example, vaccines required for occupational risk of exposure, lifestyle risks and underlying medical conditions. In addition, additional courses or boosters normally recommended for the countries in this region are:

Nepal: Additional vaccinations: Diptheria, Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Typhoid. Malaria map. Yellow Fever certificate: Required if arriving from or having transitted through an infected area.
Bhutan: Additional vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Typhoid. Malaria map. Yellow Fever certificate: Required if arriving from or having transitted through an infected area.

Tibet: Additional vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Typhoid. Malaria map. Yellow Fever certificate: Required if arriving from or having transitted through an infected area.

Malaria: Vaccinations are not available against Malaria, which is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes that can be very serious and sometimes fatal. You should avoid mosquito bites by covering up bare skin with clothing such as long sleeves and long trousers and applying insect repellents to exposed skin. When necessary, sleep under a mosquito net. Mosquitoes are most active during and after sunset. You should consult with your GP/medical practitioner/travel clinic about the most appropriate malaria prophylactic medication to take for the regions you are visiting. In general the lowland regions Bhutan are considered malarial zones, while higher altitudes including central Bhutan including Paro, Thimphu, Punakha and Bumthang are not. Nepal is considered mainly low risk with prophylactics not normally required.

Yellow Fever: This disease is spread by infected mosquitoes that bite during the day. A Yellow Fever Certificate of vacinnation may be required as a condition of entry depending on which country you are arriving from, or that you have travelled or transitted through recently (including connecting flights with stopovers of over 12 hours). You can view this US CDC information about where the virus is present and follow the links to further information detailing which countries need you to have a Yellow Fever vaccination as part of their entry requirements. Please ensure you have this certificate with you and to hand if necessary. Please inform us of any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or asthma and any prescription medicine you may be taking. We also need to know about any food allergies or physical disabilities that you may have.

  9. Passports and Visas - Bhutan

We will arrange your Bhutan for you in advance of your arrival. You will need to provide us with:

  • a scanned colour copy of your passport identity page (with your photo and personal details). This cannot be a photo showing fingers holding the passport. If you don't have a scanner, then place the passport completely flat and open on a white A4 piece of paper and take a photo of the whole piece of paper with the passport in the middle. That should suffice.
  • a scanned colour passport photo (digital versions are available from most passport photo machines or shops doing passport photos now)
  • a copy of your travel insurance policy certificate

Please send these to us as soon as possible after booking or at least 2 months before your arrival. The visa will normally be issued by the Bhutanese authorities around 10 days before your arrival and we will then email it to you. You will need to print the visa out and show it to the Druk Air staff when you check in. No payment is required from you for the visa at this stage or when you arrive in Bhutan - all costs are included in your tour price. .

If you are connecting the tour with Nepal, then Nepal visas are available for most nationalities on arrival in Kathmandu airport for a fee of US$25 for single entry, with an extra $20 charged for a multiple entry visa which will be required for  most of our Nepal and Bhutan combination tours. This covers up to 15 days in Nepal (from first arrival to last departure). Single entry visas are also available for $40 (16-30 days) or $100 (31-90 days), again with an extra $20 fee to convert these to multiple entry.

If you are connecting the tour with time in India, then you will need to obtain an Indian visa in advance - these are not available on arrival in Indian airports. We recommend you allow a minimum of 4 weeks to apply for this visa.

If you are connecting the tour with time in Thailand, then many nationalities can arrange a free tourist visa on arrival in Bangkok airport.

Please contact us if you have any questions about visa requirements for your travel plans and nationality.

  10. Time

The time in India and Sri Lanka is GMT plus 5 1/2 hours.

The time in Nepal is GMT plus 5 3/4 hours.

The time in Bhutan is GMT plus 6 hours.

The time in Tibet is GMT plus 8 hours.

Daylight saving adjustments are not applied.

  11. Money

The local currency in Bhutan is the Ngultrum (Ng), which is pegged to the Indian Rupee. Indian rupees are accepted widely (except 500 or 1000 rupee notes which are not accepted) so if you are entering Bhutan from India you don't need to dispose of your Indian currency before leaving the country.

All your meals, plus mineral water & tea/coffee during mealtimes are included in the price of your travel through Bhutan. You will only need to carry spending money to cover souvenirs, small offerings at temples & monasteries, alcoholic or soft drinks in your hotel or other bottled drinks during the day. There are only a few ATMs in the country (including Paro & Thimphu) where you can withdraw local currency (Visa, Mastercard) so we recommend bringing some cash in US Dollars, Euros, GB Pounds, or Indian Rupees with you that you can exchange into local currency on arrival. You can tip your guide & driver with any currency.

  12. What to take

Luggage: Whatever you're doing in Nepal, Tibet or Bhutan, you'll find that large rigid wheeled suitcases are cumbersome - you may be able to wheel them inside the airport and your hotel, but due to the condition of roads and pavements that's often about it. As many of our tours involve a degree of adventurous activity, we strongly advise you to bring a more practical bag for these i.e. a rucksack or holdall. These are easier for both your porters, and yourself to carry around. Suitcases are OK for our cultural tours in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan though, but please aim to bring small or medium sized ones rather than very large. If you are trekking or rafting, or doing a lot of travel throughout the country, then as little as possible is the basic message. A rucksack or holdall (50-70 liter approx.) for your main luggage, and a daypack for you to use during the day should be plenty. While rafting we only take essential kit on board the rafts, and your main luggage will travel by bus to the take-out point. While trekking your porters (Nepal) or ponies (Bhutan) will carry your main luggage, leaving you with just a daypack with things you'll need during the day. You can also leave some luggage locked safely in the pre-trek hotel if you wish. We recommend that couples plan to leave one main bag behind, and pool their remaining luggage in their other bag for the porter to carry.

Luggage limits: Most international airlines allow 20-23kg per person of hold luggage. Domestic flights often have smaller allowances around 15kg. As airline rules vary we recommend that you take no more than 20kg of luggage if your tour just includes international flights, and no more than 15kg if there are any domestic flights included in your itinerary. Please ask us for details if you are unsure. Any excess baggage fees will be your responsibility to cover. Most airlines allow between 5kg and 10kg for hand luggage so we suggest that you take no more than 5kg unless you have confirmed that your airline(s) will allow more than this.

If you are trekking with us, we ask that you keep the weight of your main bag that the porter will carry to a maximum of 12.5kg. This then allows the porter to carry up to 2 bags, and a maximum of 25kg (the International Porter Protection group's advised limit for Nepal is 30kg, which then leaves a little more weight for their own kit). This weight allowance includes your sleeping bag if you are hiring it from us and not carrying it with you to Nepal
If you are doing an Everest trek and flying from Kathmandu to Lukla, then flight luggage limits are 10kg for your main bag and 5kg for hand luggage - total 15kg. You can re-arrange that after you arrive in Lukla. Please keep to these limits as while you can pay for extra weight, it may be held back until the next flight which may then be delayed or cancelled.
Treks in Bhutan follow the same weight limits for your ponies.
You may leave other luggage securely locked in your hotel during the trek. If you are travelling as a couple then we suggest you leave one main bag in Kathmandu and share the other main bag that the porter will then carry.

Clothing & Climate: Nepal and Bhutan have a climate that ranges widely depending on when you visit, and where you are visiting.
- Autumn - late Sep-Nov: The weather is good and very warm, with lots of sunshine, getting quite hot during the day in lowland regions. It will still be cold at night at higher altitudes if you are trekking. Shorts & T-shirts are fine while you are walking, but you should still bring warmer clothes for the evenings. There is a good chance of rain in September and early October, so bring a waterproof.
- Winter - Dec-Feb: It will be pleasant in lowland regions with very little rain, but will be cooler at night. Long trousers and shirts are advised during the day, and you will need warm clothes in the evenings. If you are trekking, then it will be cold during the day, and extremely cold at night, particularly at higher altitudes. Several warm layers are recommended so you can regulate your comfort as you walk, including a waterproof, even if only to protect from cold winds. We include thick down jackets in our optional trekking packs for comfort in the evenings at higher altitudes.
- Spring - Mar-May: The weather is very pleasant during the spring, and again shorts & t-shirts are fine while you are walking. There is a higher chance of rain as the season progresses, so a thin waterproof is recommended in case. It gets very hot and humid in the lowlands from May onwards.
- Monsoon - Jun-mid Sep: It will be hot and sticky during these months, with lots of rain, so come prepared accordingly if you are visiting during these months - gaiters are highly recommended if you are trekking to keep out leeches.

A huge variety of cheap trekking gear is available in Kathmandu (fleeces, waterproofs etc.) and buying some here can save you carrying it with you, and support the local economy. However, you should definitely bring your own walking boots.

Modesty rates highly in Nepal and Bhutan especially for women, so please ensure all clothes are loose fitting and not too revealing. You'll find the Bhutanese dress fairly smartly or in national dress, so you will stand out even more if you look scruffy.

Whilst rafting:

On the raft: Shorts, Tevas (sandals) or trainers, baseball style cap to keep the sun off your face, sunglasses with a strap to keep them on your head, swimwear, sarong for women, sun-cream, lip balm, water bottle, several t-shirts.
Note: All footwear on a raft should be rubber soled, and of the type that will not come off easily.
Off the raft:
Long trousers, warm sleeping bag (provided, but you may want to bring a sheet sleeping bag as well), petzel type head torch, warm jacket/fleece, dry shoes, boots, warm socks, towel, warm long sleeved shirt, toiletries.
Cameras: You can take cameras on the raft, and we endeavour to keep that sort of kit dry in waterproof bags. But there is always an element of risk of getting the camera wet.
What you shouldn't take on the raft: All the rest of your kit and you're your valuables. We will make arrangements for their transport to your take-out point.

Whilst trekking:

Suggested Clothing and equipment: Strong hiking boots or walking shoes that you have broken in; Good sized rucksack or holdall; 3 to 4-season sleeping bag (only if you want to use your own rather than the one provided in our optional trekking pack); silk or cotton sleeping bag liner; lightweight waterproof and windproof jacket; (waterproof gaiters, waterproof over trousers - these are only necessary on some treks in some seasons - contact us for further info if required); 3 or 4 t-shirts; small day pack; several pairs of light socks; 2 pairs of heavier woollen socks; underwear including thermals; warm hat and gloves; swimwear; pair of lightweight trousers; pair of shorts; 1 fleece or warm jumper and 1 sweatshirt. Also, sunglasses, torch and batteries, toiletries (include a lighter to burn toilet paper), bring biodegradable shampoo & soap, towel, blister kit, money belt and any personal medication you might require. Remember, Lots of layers are the key to staying warm and comfortable. Also, keeping your feet comfortable and healthy makes a huge difference to how you enjoy your trek. So, bring waterproof boots/walking shoes and plenty of pairs of socks so you can change them regularly.
Day Packs and Main luggage: You will want a sturdy and comfortable daypack to carry your day-to-day items with you while you are walking (clothes you may change in and out of regularly, drinks, snacks, camera). You will also need a sturdy holdall or backpack for your main luggage. Your porters or ponies will carry this for you, so suitcases are not appropriate. They may leave earlier than you, and may not walk with you throughout the entire day, so bear in mind that you won't have access to this luggage all the time - you need to ensure you are carrying everything you require during the days walk in your daypack. You can leave luggage behind in storage at your hotel so you don't need to take everything with you on the trek.

Whilst in the game parks:

You should bring long trousers and long-sleeved shirts for jungle walks and travel within the park. Please ensure these are of drab colours to avoid drawing attention. Sunglasses and sun-hats are advisable for hot and bright days. Mosquito repellent is highly recommended. Binoculars are extremely useful at any of Nepal's National Parks, and are not generally available for hire locally. Don't forget fast film for those jungle shots and moving animals/birds. A good cleaning kit is essential as these items are unavailable once at the park. It is also better to take quality film, either from home or Kathmandu into the parks, and to ensure you have a spare fully charged battery and memory card.

All tours: We recommend that you bring a sun hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, a basic first aid kit, toiletries, money belt, small torch, camera & charger.

  13. Dates and Prices

Our small-group tours in Bhutan have a range of departures through the year, concentrating on the best seasons to travel weather-wise (late September through to April/May. All departures are guaranteed to run with a minimum of 2 travellers. Departure dates and prices are listed on our website and on a separate dates & prices sheet available on request.

Tailor-made tours can be booked to start on any date or day of the week throughout the year. We like to try to time all our tours in Bhutan so that you can be in Thimphu at some stage over the weekend so that you can visit the huge weekend market there. This runs from Friday afternoon until around lunchtime on Sunday.

  14. Booking & Payment

If you would like to book a place on this tour, please complete the online reservation form on our website (via the Dates & Prices tab on the tour page). You may make a deposit or full payment online, or just hold a reservation if you prefer (full payments are due 8 weeks before departure). We will then contact you with more details about how to complete your booking. Payments may be made by debit or credit card (subject to a card processing fee), or by making a bank transfer, or posting us a cheque/bank draft. Full details will be provided in your booking confirmation email. Please contact us if you would like any more information or have any questions before making a booking.

  15. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is compulsory on all of our tours and needs to cover personal accident & liability, medical expenses and repatriation, travel delay & abandonment. We also strongly recommend that you take out cover against cancellation and lost/stolen baggage. Personal medical insurance does not normally provide sufficient cover and is generally not suitable for travel on our tours. You will not be able to join your tour if you have not provided us with details of your insurance or if you arrive without cover in place (no refunds will be due in this event). More information...

You may arrange your own insurance, or you can take advantage of a comprehensive policy that we can arrange for you through Endsleigh Insurance which has been designed to be suitable for our tours. The policy is available to travellers of all nationalities and you do not need to live in the UK  to take out the policy. For full details of cover provided, prices and to apply for one of our policies, please complete travel insurance application form.
Note: Any country that borders the Mediterranean is considered as 'Europe' for the purposes of travel insurance (including Turkey, Israel, Egypt and Morocco). If you are doing a tour that visits one country in 'Europe' and one that is 'Worldwide' (for example, an Egypt and Jordan tour), then you need a 'Worldwide' policy. When completing the form you should enter your travel dates including any extra days involved in overnight flights or connecting travel between your home and the tour. Our policies are not able to cover any extra time or activities other than your tour and options booked with us and your travel to & from home.

Note - to comply with insurance sales regulations, our travel insurance policies are only available to customers booking directly with us. If you have booked through a travel agent you will need to arrange your own insurance.

If your tour includes car hire, ior if you plan to arrange a hot air balloon flight locally or do some scuba diving during your tour, you should check the small print in your policy to make sure these are covered (these are covered in our policy). Please also check the maximum altitude that you will be reaching and that full cover including emergency evacuation is provided up to this altitude.

If you are taking expensive camera gear or other electronic equipment with you then please check the coverage and the fine print of your policy to ensure that you have sufficient cover.

IMPORTANT:  We must have your travel insurance details (policy number and type of insurance) before you depart or you may not be allowed to join the tour.  If you haven't told us already, please let us know the details when you can. You should take a paper copy of your insurance policy with you as you may be asked to show this at the start of the tour.

Before purchasing any travel insurance, please check the coverage provided for situations related to Covid-19, and for the rules about government travel advice. Your normal policy may not be suitable. Details about our own policies cover levels are given on our website

  16. Financial Security

We are a UK registered company and are committed to providing our customers with financial protection to provide peace of mind and to allow you to book with confidence.
We have therefore partnered with Trust My Travel Ltd., which provides financial protection services to over 2000 partners around the world. Funds paid to us by our customers are protected via an Insurance policy held by Trust My Travel. Each traveller and the description of services sold is declared against Trust My Travel’s insurance policy directly against our financial failure. In the event of our insolvency, you will be refunded for any unfulfilled products and/or repatriation to the UK (where applicable). Please see our website or booking conditions for more information.

  17. Responsible Tourism

It is impossible not to have an impact on the local environment, cultures and eco-systems when you travel. However, it is very possible to try and ensure that these impacts are as limited, or positive as possible. We are committed to ensuring that we try to leave our host countries in a better state than we found them and encourage and assist our travellers to help us with this.
The following are a few simple tips that require very little effort on your part but which will help ensure that any effect you have on the locations you visit is positive rather than negative.

  • Don't prejudge: Things in different countries will almost certainly be different. That doesn't make them worse or inferior, just different.
  • Communicate: Don't expect locals to speak your language. Take the trouble to learn a few words or phrases of the local language. Don't worry about sounding silly. Most locals are patient and accommodating and appreciate you making the effort to communicate in their language.
  • Conserve energy: Be careful not to waste valuable resources. Use local resources sparingly. Switch off lights, air-conditioning and fans when you leave the hotel room and don't waste water. Remove superfluous packaging. Many countries have far less efficient waste disposal systems than ours. Remove packaging from newly acquired items before leaving home.
  • Don't litter: No matter how untidy or dirty the country you're travelling in may look to you, avoid littering, as there is no need to add to the environment's stress. Many of the countries we visit have a tough challenge dealing with rubbish and waste. Please consider taking home as much plastic waste as you can (e.g. water bottles).
  • Choose environmentally friendly products: By using environmentally friendly (bio degradable) sun creams, shampoos and detergents you can help reduce pollution.
  • Respect local customs and traditions: As you are a guest in these countries, you should also comply with the local customs. If you are friendly and well mannered, the locals will reciprocate and it will only enhance your experience. It's important to follow dress and behaviour guidelines especially when visiting religious or sacred sites (your tour leader will advise you how best to do this).
  • If a client commits an illegal act the client may be excluded from the tour and Encounters Travel shall cease to have responsibility to/for them. No refund will be given for any unused services.

All porters are employed and equipped following guidelines set by the International Porter Protection Group (IPPG).

  18. Follow Us Online

You can stay in touch with us online by following us on Facebook and Twitter. We post updates on relevant travel news in our destination countries, special offers and discounts and other interesting travel related news and information. (yes, without the 'e')

  19. Before you travel

It is important when considering and preparing to travel anywhere in the world that you have a good understanding of the country you are visiting, its laws and customs, and the possible risks and situations that may occur. This includes specific risks related to your itinerary (eg. does it involve water & can you swim, are you fit enough for the activities included), as well as more general risks such as terrorism and natural disasters.

General details and links to more information about health risks, visa requirements, money, and travel insurance are given in these tour notes. We recommend that you re-read all these before your departure as well as the small print of your travel insurance policy so you know exactly what is covered and what is not.

You should take copies of your important travel documents with you and ideally also store them online securely as a backup. Make sure that you have given us your emergency contact details and told that person where and when you are travelling. Ensure you take enough money with you and that you have access to emergency funds.

Finally, you should read through and stay updated with the current official government travel advice for your destination. We are registered partners with the UK Foreign Office's 'Travel Aware' campaign which provides further useful and invaluable information.

'Travel Aware' campaign

  20. Voltage

In Nepal, India and Sri Lanka, sockets are mainly two round pronged and 230 volts (Type C,D,M). In Bhutan a range of different sockets can be found, including two and three round pronged and three flat pronged (Type D,F,G). 

Universal adaptors are available in most airport shops if you don't have one already. Standard UK-European adapters will work fine, though sometimes they may feel a little loose in the sockets. All hotel rooms have electrical sockets where you can re-charge cameras, phones etc. Hair dryers are sometimes available on request from the hotel reception if not in your room already but cannot be guaranteed.
If you have US appliances (110 volts) you will need a voltage converter as well as a plug adapter.

  21. Reduce Plastic Waste with Water-to-Go Filter bottles

Traveling responsibly means minimizing plastic waste, but staying hydrated on the go is essential. At Encounters Travel we are committed to reducing single-use plastics, which is why we've partnered with Water-to-Go. Their portable filtration system removes over 99.9% of contaminants from any non-saltwater source, turning even questionable water sources into safe drinking water.

Given that tap water is un-safe to drink in many of the countries in which we operate, we recommend purchasing a Water-to-Go bottle prior to departure. This will help you avoid the use of single use plastic bottles and keep you hydrated on the go.

Save big! Get a huge 25% off your Water-to-Go bottle and other Water-to-Go products (such as filters, lids, and carriers). Use code ENCOUNTERS25 at checkout (valid in the UK, USA and Canada).

How Water-to-Go Technology works:

  • Their reusable, BPA free water bottles contain their own unique 3-in-1 filtration technology effectively providing clean safe drinking water from any non-salt water source around the world.
  • Three different (1 traditional and 2 nano) technologies are combined in one filter cartridge to remove up to 99.9999% of microbiological contaminants in water.

The three technologies used in a Water-to-Go filter are:

  • Mechanical filtration – A tiny pore size, so small contaminants can’t fit through.
  • Electrical – A positive charge reduces the pore size even further and attracts contaminants like a magnet, trapping them inside the filter.
  • Activated Carbon – Unlike most carbon based filters, instead of using adhesives to glue the carbon particles together, (which vastly reduces the carbon’s efficiency) it is contained within the membrane, helping to reduce contaminants whilst eliminating bad tastes and odours. Try filtering water from your tap at home and taste the difference!

Water-to-Go filter bottles deliver safe, healthy water worldwide

  • Water-to-Go filters remove bacteria, viruses, waterborne disease, protozoa, heavy metals such as lead as well as harmful chemicals.
  • Their filters remove Chlorine and Fluoride from tap water.
  • The filter will eliminate harmful contaminants from the water but allow beneficial minerals such as sodium and magnesium to pass through leaving you with the healthiest water possible.
  • Water-to-Go filters have been independently tested against internationally recognised standards by industry specialists including The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK), BCS Laboratories (USA), Bangalore Test House (India) and IMI (China).

Use Water-to-Go products and you’ll be healthier, wealthier and helping to make the world a better place!

  • Depending on filter size, each Water-to-Go filter is able to replace 260 or 400 single-use plastic water bottles!
  • They ensure you have access to safe water anywhere in the world without ever having to buy environmentally damaging bottled water.
  • Their water bottles deliver safe, clean drinking water at just 5p per litre.
  • The filter membrane is biodegradable and the shrouds are recyclable.
  • The water bottles are used and approved by everyone from backpackers to commuters, gym users to expecting mums. Perfect for everyday, outdoor and travel.
